Erika Torregrossa
We drive excellence in corporate relations through strategic advice and specialized training, promoting social responsibility and respect for human rights. Committed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Due Diligence Directive, we guide companies and public law corporations towards sustainability, ethics and the integration of human rights in their global operations…
We build ethical and sustainable relationships that generate a positive social impact.

Institutional Relations
Develop strategies to establish and strengthen relationships with government institutions, NGOs, professional associations, public law corporations and other key stakeholders.
Manage and enhance corporate reputation through effective public relations and strategic alliances with private organizations and public entities.
Establish effective communication channels with legislators, professional associations and public law corporations to positively influence the creation of policies that promote sustainability and social responsibility, especially those that affect their groups.
Facilitate the influence capacity of public law companies and corporations in their respective sectors through positioning and advocacy strategies.
We add value in the Corporate Diplomacy sector by adding influence through a solid reputation for respect for Human Rights, strategic alliances, corporate social responsibility aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Due Diligence Directive.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Using our experience in the defense of human rights and promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals are the best asset to design and implement ESG programs that bring innovation, sustainability and ESG.
To help companies and public law corporations integrate ESG into their day-to-day operations, promoting transparency and accountability.
Design and implement ESG programs that address community needs and contribute to sustainable development goals.
To deepen and evolve the ESG concept towards new focuses such as innovation, reduction of the digital divide or access to technologies.
Due Diligence (CS3D/CSDD)
The Due Diligence Directive obliges companies operating in the internal market to take measures to identify, prevent, mitigate, eliminate and remedy adverse effects on human rights and the environment of their own activities, those of their subsidiaries or those of their value chains.
Design customized training programs for companies, focused on human rights and environmental due diligence.
Provide tools and methodologies for the identification, prevention, mitigation, elimination and remediation of adverse effects on human rights and the environment.
Constant updating of international regulations and standards to ensure that training is cutting edge and meets the expectations of the global business community.
Oversee the mandatory grievance procedure, monitor the effectiveness of the due diligence strategy and measures, and communicate publicly on the implementation of due diligence.

Corporate Relations Agenda 2030
Strategic advice on social responsibility and human rights

Strategic advice on social responsibility and human rights

Our focus on building strong relationships aligned with the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and promoting ethical and sustainable business practices generates a positive social impact, adding value to companies in respecting human rights and increasing their influence in the sector.
Reputation does matter
Diplocorp’s CEO, Erika Torregrossa Acuña, is an internationally recognized jurist for her awards in human rights and integration, as well as for her work as an activist on behalf of vulnerable groups. She has assumed several responsibilities in the Spanish Government, such as the Ministry of Social Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State for International Cooperation.
We are guided by these principles, therefore we are a strategic alliance for companies and public law corporations that seek to stand out in their corporate and governmental practices, not only in productive terms, but also in their positive impact on society. Respect for human rights and the environment, aligning with the vision of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
Lawyer, Founder and CEO of DIPLOCORP
Erika Torregrossa
She has been Director of Cabinet and Advisor in public institutions and Public Law Corporations. President of the Observatorio de Derechos de las Personas del Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona and also chairs the Human Rights Section of the Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid. Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. APDHE Human Rights Award 2023.
Maite Parejo
Lawyer and partner of Maio Legal, co-president of the Human Rights Observatory of the Madrid Bar Association, former vice-president of the Pro Human Rights Association of Spain. With extensive experience in proceedings aimed at the protection of fundamental rights, both before Spanish judicial bodies and before European and international bodies.
Javier Orduña
Former Supreme Court Justice and Professor of Civil Law, Director of the Institutes for Legal Research and Innovation of the Bar Associations of Barcelona and Madrid.
José Miguel Castillo
He is a practicing lawyer and holds a PhD in Law from the Universidad de Alcalá, where he obtained the qualification of outstanding “cum laude”. He holds a degree in Law from the Universidad de Granada and a degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Nebrija.
The values that guide us
Learn about our appearances in the media.